So often people are shy of showing up for themselves and not fulfilling their potential because they don’t want to seem overconfident or even arrogant. I hope by listening to this episode that people will never be you because you know exactly the difference between confidence and arrogance so that you can go out there and show up with confidence. 

So let’s discuss the difference between the two. Confidence and arrogance are two different things. Confidence is a healthy thing that can be seen as a self-belief in your abilities. Arrogance, on the other hand, is an unhealthy attitude that stems from a feeling of superiority over others.

Confidence comes from the belief that you are good at something or that you have the skills to do it which makes it easier for you to try new things and take calculated risks to reach new goals. On the other hand, arrogance comes from believing that you are better than someone else or everyone else and not having any respect for others which means you don’t listen to their opinion or learn from them or respect them.

An arrogant person believes that their worthiness can only be measured in comparison to others and that they only have worth if they are “better than” others. A confident person recognizes that their worthiness is innate regardless of how good other people are.

Confidence is authentic and is built on experience, vulnerability, and knowing yourself. Arrogance on the other hand is pretended confidence as it is often fear-based and built on lack of self-awareness and self esteem. Arrogance often has an ill-intentioned attitude while true confidence shines from within out of good intention. 

With CONFIDENCE you can share what it is that you can offer and what kind of value and experience you can bring to the table. A Lot of people think when they pivot or change careers they are starting from scratch, but that’s not true, you never can leave behind what you have learned. So even if you are new to doing what you are doing, you can be an expert and feel free to show up with confidence. 

With ARROGANCE you are putting another person down in order to lift yourself up. So if you are not stepping on anyone on your way up, you are not being arrogant. If you are good at what you do and don’t talk smack about how you are so much better than others, you are not being over-confident, you are not arrogant so keep shining and stop worrying about what others will think of you!

Be that confident version of you, because confident people innately inspire confidence in others too. You are confident and assertive yet humble and that makes you a leader. You don’t need to point out others weaknesses to achieve your own success. You make others feel good about themselves and encourage them to perform at their best too. 

Confidence is a decision. By listening to this episode I know you have already made the decision or are now ready to make that true decision to show up with more confidence. I’m here to remind you that you are able to put yourself out there and go for new opportunities because you believe in your skills and talents. You absolutely believe in your abilities to complete a task or achieve a goal. Even if you are not there yet, you will consistently do new, challenging, and difficult things until you can do them well and get there. You are great at what you do and let your actions speak for themselves. Bet on yourself! You are worthy and you deserve all the blessings ahead. Keep shining dear and if you feel inspired by anything I said today, please let me know. Cheers to your up-rise. 




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