Today I want to share my two cents on a negative thought I hear way too often. So many people have this thought which is I’m not creative enough or I’m not creative at all so I’m here to debunk this myth of being creative. 

I think as I grew up by definition when I hear the word creativity usually involves the imagination of original ideas in producing art. But as I grew older, not only does it include artistic work, it also means to me to just be. Being Human Being Alive just being you means being creative. I use to think I’m not creative but now honestly think we are all creatives. As long as you are living and breathing you are creating. You are creating your life, you are creating tangible and intangible things all day long. You make a post on IG, you are being creative. You make a different dish, you are being creative. You are creative and you are amazing!

I think the biggest block from being creative or thinking we are creative is the limiting belief that gives us the false belief that we are not creative.  For example I used to think I’m a bad writer so I never really write but in 2020,I wrote a couple articles for example for the elephant journal or Thrive global and people complimented me on what a great writer I was and I was shocked. By simply starting to believe that I am indeed a great writer I also co-authored in two co-authoring books both hitting #1 bestseller in early 2021.So you see we are usually our own blocks. We self-impose these glass ceilings that traps us from being more creative and doing the things that we have the potential to do.

As I said earlier in my early memories being creative only meant artistic works I did take painting and other art classes when I was young so drawing penciling and doodling and painting was definitely in my books and watercolor was my favorite. I still have a couple of watercolor pieces I did from childhood hanging in my dining room right now and I definitely believe being creative in early life sets a foundation for a happy life. However there is no age limit to starting in anything. Whether it’s art, dance, or starting and growing a new hobby or business, any activity you can think of, you can be a beginner at any age! 

When you start thinking you are creative, opportunities for more creation will arise. I am here today because of so many people or things that inspired me. It’s the collective of everything I’ve learned along the way of life. I believe that the well of wisdom is inside all of us inside of you inside of me it’s just that sometimes we don’t see it hidden behind bushes so along the way life we get inspired and it’s like every Inspiration Point where cleaning off those bushes that’s covering our well of wisdom and eventually you’ll realize you’ve had it all along. 

I do need to mention community impact is very important to influencing our creativity.

If something in your feed is making you think you are not creative, do a social detox, mute all influence that’s not positive. 

Being creative is also being flexible. For example when there is a pandemic like we are going through for these past 2 years, how you reduce stress, how you pivot in your life and business these all can be changed and any change in life requires creativity. 

If you want to be even more creative, start by making the decision and intention to be more creative, start by committing that you will be more creative.  Devote yourself and your thoughts to developing your creative abilities. Start rewarding your curiosities, explore new ideas or thoughts, it’s ok to have more fun. Have you ever noticed how one great idea or thought often leads directly to another idea or thought? You can take advantage of these ideas and thoughts snowball as you take more action. So go ahead, let your messy actions snowball and watch how you get more creative. Challenge yourself to create more opportunities for more creation. Just the fact that you are open to be more creative means you’re already more creative.

If you feel you need more confidence, send me a private message anywhere social go ahead, just DM me IamRemarkable, I’ll get you in on my next pitch free workshop to skyrocket your confidence level. 

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