1. Experience symptoms of anxiety.

You’re supposed to get anxious. Every time. EVERY TIME. If you’re not anxious before doing something nerve-racking, then something is wrong.

  1. Never limit your confidence levels because of these temporary emotions.

Set your verbal boundaries. Don’t say things like I have low self esteem, I can’t do it, I have anxiety. Say positive things, like what will I learn from this? I am a little nervous because I’m too excited for this. 

  1. See yourself as courageous.

Honor your own courage, bravery is a choice. Let your decision align with who you want to be and where you want to go, and what you want to be doing.  

  1. Control your environment.

Courage is not the result of letting go and blindly trusting a process. It’s the result of understanding and controlling the details of a process. Know what you’re getting yourself into, research your options and understand what’s expected. 

  1. Focus on small details and routine tasks.

The key is that all big, complex problems can be chunked down into small, simple problems. So big audacious goals can be chunked down into smaller pieces. 

  1. Gain specialized knowledge.

What do you need to learn still to make the move easier?

  1. Get motivated by setting the right reward for yourself.

Refer back to episode #20




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