So often in life, we hear the phrases abundant mindset growth mindset, you gotta have the right mindset and it is the truth. Mindset is so important, yes, and everything you ever desire starts with having the right mindset.

But instead of just living the mindset, let abundance be your lifestyle.

It is really the lifestyle you are intentionally choosing to live that determines your life. Do you want to live a joyful life? Live a joyous lifestyle. 

But living the lifestyle by design all starts with each and every single thought you have throughout the day. We as human beings process about 70,000 thoughts a day and unfortunately, almost 80% of those thoughts are negative or repetitive. Improving your life starts with improving your mindset. Improving your business starts with improving your mindset. So if you want to live a completely different life or lifestyle, your thoughts need to be different. 

As the old famous saying goes. 

Watch your thoughts they become words 

Watch your words they become actions 

Watch your actions they become habits 

Watch your habits they become character 

Watch your character it becomes your destiny

Start with self-awareness,

what are you telling yourself? Are you putting yourself down or are you fueling yourself with motivation? Are you saying things to yourself that you would never say to a friend or are you giving yourself a pep talk that you’ve got this?

Focus Focus Focus!

Because what you focus on grows. Don’t focus on what you don’t want in your life because we don’t want those negatives to grow. Focus on what you want and focus on your steps to get there. Focus on what resources you already have in life and how they can help you reach your next milestone. Focus on the abundance of opportunities out there and more opportunities will rise. By focusing on what you want to create and experience, instead of what you want to fix or avoid, you are elevating your mindset and energy in a way that will attract the desired results right to you.  

Surround yourself with people who motivate and inspire you.

In the words of Jim Rohn, you are an average of the five people that you spend the most time with.  If you surround yourself with people who are prioritizing their health and wellness and happiness and personal and business growth, you will be motivated and inspired to do the same. So make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who not only have the positive mindset, but live the lifestyle you desire. 

Life has a tendency to provide you with exactly what you need in order to grow. You have to absolutely believe that you have what it takes, your well of wisdom is already there! 

Attitude is a choice. Abundance is a choice. Your lifestyle is your choice. 

Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. 

More smiling, less worrying, cheers to your joyous lifestyle.





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